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Must see this Movie!


2 replies on “Must see this Movie!”

RE: Zatoichi

The 1962 series by the same name is very good. I saw it several years ago.

Shintaro Katsu made a movie a year later about it…not as great as the series in my opinion, but still very good! VERY bloody though…so let me warn you if anyone doesnt like guts tossed about like pinata candies…

I have had the 2003 release waiting on my Netflix for a while now. Im glad you reminded me it was there 🙂 The only thing I am pensive about is that I am NOT a big fan of Takeshi Kitano. But i will still give him another chance.

Want fun? The Final in Takashi Miike’s Dead or Alive is out 🙂 And it is as bizarre as ever! Not as bloody as 1 or 2…but funny, kick ass special effects…and a WTF ending. Oh and just for fun…check out the Returner. Yeah, another Matrix spinoff…but some fun eye candy all the same. And the chick is the perfect live action Battle Angel Alita!

I saw The Retunrer, awesome movie, loved the style and the effects.

I’ve been a fan of Takeshi Kitano, I loved Kikujiro, so I’m looking forward to this movie for a few reasons… it breaks genres, it’s got an actor I like, I defies definition. Sounds like my kind of movie.

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