LiveJournal Archives

The Last Hurrah – End of Spring Break BBQ

We were talking to Julian (yeah, Julian, shut up, really), and we thought it would be cool to have a BBQ during spring break but the only day we seem to be able to agree on is the last Sunday of Spring Break. So Heather and I thought it would be cool to have a “Farewell to Spring Break” (neener neener neee-nerrr) BBQ so if you’re not doing anything and you forgot to drink over Spring Break, bring some thing to char and something to dring over to our place a week from this Sunday (March 21st), lets say, around 4-4:30? Yeah, that sounds good. Pass this info on to other people. So long as they’re not vandals, will leave when the party’s over, and don’t throw up in the house, invite them along. I don’t have Paul’s address, but you can invite him too I guess.

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