Well, here’s Photo Journal #2. Sorry it took so long this time. I don’t know how long I’ll keep this up, probably as long as they’re still fun. This one is a long one as I get more and more into the habit of just snapping photos with my Clié.
They’re preparing to tear up the street in front of my house. They tore up someone’s driveway a couple houses down the way, I mean, completely removed their driveway. I’m glad I got that All Wheel Drive now. I wonder, if they tear up my lawn, will they re-sod or re-seed. | ![]() |
Tashi’s two favorite things together at last… the new chair Heather just bought and the laundry basket. | ![]() |
Kitsonpaws commented that we had such cute kitties last week so I tried to take a photo of the third, and less accessible cat, Asgar. Here he is batting at the camera… | ![]() |
…and then smelling the camera. | ![]() |
Tem decided Asgar was on to something (or maybe just on something), so he smelled the camera too. | ![]() |
There was a REALLY long line at the bank on Friday when we went to go do some basic management on our accounts. I felt really bad because we took a long time at the one open window and the line got a lot longer while we were there. We asked him to do a few things he’d only ever done once, so it took him a while to figure them out. | ![]() |
Finally, a good photo of Asgar. 😀 | ![]() |
I can’t help taking picture of Heather, she hates them all, but I think they’re all beautiful! | ![]() |
Sexy! | ![]() |
A Faculty member has this print in her office. Every time I have to work on her computer, I think how cool it is. If anyone ever sees this print for sale anywhere, my birthday is August 15. | ![]() |
This was the ever exiting game of D&D I played thsi weekend, where everyone but me watched Craig’s wife play 007 Everything or Nothing and I sat around and watched, uh, the wall and play Clié Rogue. *Sigh* |
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Monday was the announcement of the winners of the Voertman’s Student Art Competition. It always draws a pretty big crowd but I don’t know if it’s for the awards of the free pizza… | ![]() |
My friend Julian had a group project in the show. It’s an honor just to get shown even if you don’t win a prize. | ![]() |
Nur talking with other art students before the Pizza starts getting served. | ![]() |
I was mostly trying to figure out why the camera in my PDA doesn’t really capture red very well, which is a major issue since Heather is almost always wearing red. | ![]() |
Here’s one way of getting around it… | ![]() |
Heather worked on the bedroom this weekend by putting up some fabric over the bed. I think it’s cool and romantic, but it is kind of like sleeping in a tent. | ![]() |
She also set up a little sitting area. She’s really taking cues from Trading Spaces. | ![]() |
I sanded the floor for another 4 hours on Saturday. Back-breaking work to say the least. | ![]() |
We’ve probably got another 5-10 hours and 4-6 more sanding belts to go on this bad boy. What were we (Heather) thinking when we (Heather) started this? | ![]() |
It was a pretty good weekend though, got a lot of work done at home, and at the same time, seemed to relax quite a bit as well. I waffled back and forth on the whole wireless routher thing again, almost bought one, but then I looked at my bank account yesterday and it’s lower than I expected, so I’m glad I didn’t. I still need to buy gas.
I did a lot of thinking about my Spycraft game this weekend, a little research, some planning, watching movies, etc. Watched Enemy of the State again to get some ideas of party dynamics and cinematic espionage. I know a lot of this is going to be in the hands of the players, so I don’t know how it’s all going to play out, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it all fits together in the end.
We also rented and watched School of Rock this weekend. It was DAMN funny, I laughed a lot and rocked out. All in all a good time.
I’m one step from finishing my Hammock, too. I’m going to try to finish it this week so next week during Spring Break I can fully enjoy it while reading up for the Spycraft game. I don’t know if I’m going to finish my new computer case during spring break, but I’d love to at least make some headway on it. Anyway, I’m tired of typing and you had a lot of pictures to look at so go read someone else’s journal for a while.
14 replies on “”
A hammock and a Clie?
Damn I’m jealous.
heh… and it’s supposedly a family sized hammock so it should fit 3-4 people. Now if I can only get a wireless router and extend it’s range to the back yard! MUHAHAHAH.
Oh then I’ll just have to kidnap heather and move in…
I said there’s enough room in that hammock for at least three… 😉
Oh yeah…but what about the clie…
i absolutely love the color you guys chose for your bedroom wall. The dark gry blue one is what i speak of…*drool*
I personally enjoy the large task of sanding the floor like that. It really lets you zone out and relax. I always got in a very Zen state when I did it in Houston. I miss it. Except the feeling of trying to stop the buzzing in my hand for an hour after I put the sander down. Sometime’s I had really funny dirty thoughts…but they never panned out, teeeheehee…
i have tons of japanese print images saved on my server for the day when I have the $bling to start putting them in my home. I am addicted to images of koi and mt fuji above all. I do NOT have that print in my collection. Do you know who the artist/time period, anything,etc is so that I may add it?
yeah, you’re going to have to save up for that one yourself.
Hammock Party!
Okay okay.
Woo! I’ll bring the beer!
why thank you on the color. I was going to comment on how badly the Clié camera reproduces color, but it got that one about right actually.
As for the floor, it was fun for the first 8-12 hours, then it started to suck more and more. I don’t like the noise and I hate throwing away the belts because each one says to me “that’s another $2 you could have used to rent a drum sander.”
As for the print, the next time I’m in her office, I’ll try to remember to look, I’ve never looked that closely, but should have thought to. dang, now I feel stoopid.
Now you know how everyone else feels when they go over to your house for the privilege of watching you play a video game…
Who all’s playing in your Spycraft game?
I couldn’t sleep in that bed. It might look nifty, but I REQUIRE air movement when I’m sleeping. If the air gets heavy and still, I just can’t deal with it.
Um, yeah.
Anyway… I made sure there was an opening there where the fan is and it pretty much blows air up and around in the bed. Also, the central heating/cooling vent is exposed to the bed as well. I’m the same way about “still air” in the bedroom while I’m sleeping, I get really claustrophobic if the air isn’t moving so I made sure that Heather’s design incorporated that.
Piss and moan 😛
We only watched her play for a little bit and we did get some stuff done in the D&D game. Beats the hell out of those games where all we do is sit around and BS.
nah, I prefer BS. Especially since there was one guy at the table who couldn’t even see the screen…
huh… bitched at me one last time before deleting his journal.