LiveJournal Archives

End of the week, finally. I’ve had to do classroom orientations this week which I know and appreciate the value of. I just hate doing them. It’s basically me talking to classes in the computer labs for almost an hour. I tell them rules and policies that apply to the lab as well as giving hints and tips as to how to make their lives in the lab better. I try to get that info out as quick and painless as possible while still convering all the details and stressing the important stuff, but sometimes I even bore myself.

It’s all worth it though, because I’ve actually noticed a shift in attitudes in the lab where the students seem to feel more like they’re working with the lab rather than just working in the lab. Students are more open to talk with me and the lab attendants about what they’re doing and wanting to do as well as understanding and respecting the policies that we enforce. So really, in the long run, I enjoy the results regardless of how much I loathe doing the orientations themselves.

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