Wow, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, but that’s because I’ve been pretty much away from or avoiding computing for the past 2-3 weeks. I don’t get away often so when I get the chance to not need a computer for a while, I lavish in it.
So now that I’m back at work, my friggin livejournal icon has been blinking almost non-stop. Apparently you people won’t shut up!
Christmas was good, we had a decent drive out to Virginia. I always love going out there. Had beautiful weather, even without snow. I wanted to try out the Baja in the snow, but I was okay with Texas-y weather while we were out there. It was nice to see Jeremy and Christy again, even though they’d only been out of town for a couple months. I missed them and it was good to see them again. As usual, I was really happy to see mom and dad, at least for the first few days. Then mom went back to berating me for things I’m too old to be scolded for. I stay for a long time because I don’t see them often, but it seems like by the time I get through 4 or 5 days, I’d rather just be home. I really like my dad though (I do like my mom, I just get tired of her much faster) so I make myself feel better by trying to hang out with him more during the final days. Mom did appologize to me twice about treating me like I was 8. I think she was sincere, even if she wasn’t, it was at least nice to hear her say she was sorry.
Gift wise, I did alright. Heather did a great job of getting me stuff that I wanted that wasn’t at all on my list. Almost everything she gave me was a complete surprise, and a happy surprise, too. I’m looking forwad to putting up my hammock, if it starts to get warm again, that is. I didn’t get my GPS as a gift, but I bought it afterwards with christmas money and some returns I made. I haven’t gone caching yet, but only for the same reason I haven’t put up my hammock, as of yesterday, it’s dropped to 30° and it’s just too darned cold.
We got back in time to go to the New Years party, but for a number of different and individual reasons between Heather, Nur, and myself, we decided to not go. It was very strange to be sitting home, alone and quiet on New Years. Strangely nice though.
Anyway, now we have a week before the semester to start and things haven’t started rioting just yet, but I can almost sense impending doom. I hope it’s just indegestion, I’d love to have a good semester.