LiveJournal Archives

Sorry for the Late Invite – Movie Night

Okay, so I’ve been crazy busy for the last, what, three weeks? So I haven’t
even given the movie for this week a second thought. This morning, though, I
buckled down and finally picked one out. I had it narrowed down to a choice
of two, and when I presented that selection to Heather, she requested that
we watch the one that she hadn’t already seen. So without any further babble
out of me, the movie of the week will be The Man With One Red Shoe ( This is a fairly classic 80’s movie
with a story not entirely dissimilar to Enemy of the State and other hapless
spy movies, only it’s from a time when Tom Hanks was still playing comedic

With a running time of 92 minutes, we will attempt to start the show at

And for those of you with impressionable youngins, here’s the parental

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