- 09:04 @ is it true that FaceBook will ignore any Tweet that starts with an @ #
- 09:05 It is, in fact, not true that Facebook will ignore any Twitter that starts with an @. #
- 09:19 About to try out TweetDeck again, even though I’m pretty unimpressed with any Adobe Air products. #
- 09:37 I would like to find a way to choose whether Tweets go to Facebook or not… #
- 09:46 Well, lookie there, there’s a new Twitter App for Facebook which is supposed to be selective! #
- 09:47 and if I want to change my Facebook status, I just add a hashtag. #fb #
- 09:52 If you’d like to choose when to change your Facebook status, check out this app: bit.ly/ojBdu (be sure to remove the Twitter app). #
- 10:06 Cheese explosion! #fb #
- 10:15 This coffee is so good, I almost think I could drink it black. #coffee #fb #
- 10:22 All of these Band editions of Guitar Hero are nice and all, but I think I’d rather just have DLC. #fb #
- 12:25 Under the Hood on Tales from the Black Freighter was pretty decent. Had some great “retro” footage. #fb #
- 13:07 forgot the parmesan cheese. #fb #
- 15:27 is full of jellybeans. Lord help me! #fb #
- 16:48 on some rare days, I miss WoW. #
- 16:49 is gonna go play some Xbox. Likely either Peggle or Fallout 3. #fb #
- 19:32 has a brilliant, beautiful little boy. #fb #
- 21:33 “There are no tacos in time out!” #
- 21:42 That was a really wet monkey in my pants. #
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