- 09:06 I’m browsing handlebars and/or handlebar extensions. that wind is killing me these days. #
- 09:54 Free Castle Crashers DLC at Behemoth Forums – tinyurl.com/d3bh4c via @ShareThis #
- 10:20 there’s a very good chance I’m going to just give in and go home early today. #
- 12:02 changing server passwords. yay security breaches. #
- 12:14 Since I’m biking home early today, I’ve decided not to eat my huge sausage pasta lunch. #
- 12:17 Damnit, I missed my chance to get one of the million free subs from Quiznos. Sucko! #
- 12:18 …. and it sucks even more, because thinking about the lost free sub makes me want a sub from Quiznos. It’s a vicious cycle. #
- 12:41 Sweet! Onechanbara shipped. Time for complete gratuitous zombie slaying! #
- 12:54 RT @stealthyslyth : Who wants white castle turkey stuffing? tinyurl.com/bmkgmy #
- 13:08 I really enjoy the Ghostbusters soundtrack (currently listening to Cleanin’ Up the Town by the BusBoys) #
- 13:30 About to ride home, holy shit! It’s 84 out there! #
- 14:31 the kid just won’t sleep today. he’s miserable and we don’t know why. #
- 16:26 twitpic.com/1poh4 – asleep at long last. #
- 16:34 People have a hard time accepting that when their friends & family become zombies, they’re already dead. #
- 21:52 Time to try to put the baby to bed, again. We already put him to bed once, tonight. #
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