- 23:21 I’m sick. I’m taking my book and I’m going to bed. #
- 08:20 I feel like crap, but not crappy enough to stay home from work. #
- 08:38 I like to look at old photos and find Jeremy wearing my hand me downs. #
- 10:02 My eyes are scratchy. #
- 10:34 “McCoy grumbles” #
- 11:26 I’ve got a bunch of pictures on my camera that I need to download and process. #
- 13:47 I’m full of Indian food. Boof! #
- 15:17 Come on four o’clock! you can do it! #
- 16:31 Shit, I guess I should have done XP. #
- 16:50 I feel kind of poopy, and a bit gassy. #
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