- 23:26 Good game of C’thulu Munchkin and a baby that’s decided that the crib is NOT evil makes for a decent evening. Now to go “read a magazine.” #
- 08:40 Watching Chain Gang Girls… it’s lower budget than I expected. #
- 08:42 Really low budget. I may even end up turning it off. This is low quality video camera work. #
- 08:44 Should have read the reviews ahead of time: “Looks and sounds as if it was shot in Benihanas basement during a power outage.” #
- 14:45 I should not be allowed to touch tools. I am a handiless man. #
- 14:48 I just need to keep telling myself, “I’m good with computers, I take good photos, I make a mean breakfast, I don’t need to be ‘handy,’ too.” #
- 14:48 self affirmation twoosh. #
- 17:20 It #
- 17:21 It’s starting to feel like Beer Thirty. #
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