- 10:16 Man, I could go for an english muffin with smoked cheddar right now. #
- 14:55 I remember when had a comic book shop to go visit whenever I needed to do some work at Oak St. #
- 16:01 I’m slightly worried about how I’m going to find anything when I get home to my computer room… #
- 16:03 I’m gonna have to save up for Brutal Legend, this I know. #
- 16:18 I’m outtie. #
- 17:41 I’m either going to go finish Too Human or try out the new Castle Crasher addon. #
- 21:20 I thought tonight was LOST season premier… but it’s next week. #
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3 replies on “Today’s Tweets”
Nope, it’s the 21st. I thought maybe they would show some new clips in the recap but didn’t. Oh, well. I didn’t even watch the recap after realizing that. Did you continue to watch it anyway? I though the caption at the bottom was a bit irritating. Dunno why.
Well, not caption but I mean the commentary thing at the bottom. Almost as annoying as pop up videos… hah.
I kind of listened to it as a refresher, but mostly I was surfing the internet.