- 22:29 Just watched the first episode of Jekyll, far more compelling than some redneck mindreader. :p #
- 07:11 went to sleep at a decent hour last night, still couldn’t wake up this morning. #
- 08:31 Enough with the PMPs at CES, where are the smart phones? #
- 09:08 What’s up with both RB and GHWT releasing country packs? Lame! #
- 10:42 Just in case you haven’t seen our family portrait: www.flickr.com/photos/kacey3/3177969431 #
- 13:15 I need to gain some more Ticket To Ride achievements. #
- 13:18 Things not to say out loud at the gym: “Geez, that door is heavy!” ( www.shoeboxblog.com/?p=5261 ) #
- 13:24 My guess is Larry Flint and Joe Francis are trying to make a statement. #
- 14:38 Definitely torn between the Touch Diamond and the Touch Pro. Grr. #
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