- 09:26 Watching the rest of a pretty lousy movie because I woke up too late to watch all of a good movie. #
- 09:43 I’m thinking I need to swing by a liquor store and pick up some Vodka, then grab some white cranberry juice for tonight. #
- 11:07 I’d ride my bike today, but I think the liquor store is a little too far. #
- 11:14 The ride to KJ’s is 10 miles each way. I know I could make it if I really wanted to, but I’m not sure I do. #
- 11:19 Only six miles to Crossroads, and no interstate. I could make the whole trip in just over an hour. #
- 13:25 Weather says its 50 out there… doesn’t feel that cool. Still debating the 13 mile round-trip ride. #
- 14:07 GameFly is getting slower on its mailings… at this rate, I may actually have to cancel. #
- 14:14 Looking in to GameFly alternatives… Suggestions? #
- 15:05 First half of trip kicked my white ass! Resting and hoping return trip is as uch downhill as it seemed. #
- 15:34 Second half was better, no pukey feeling and less traffic. #
- 15:41 So, to sum up, 11 miles round trip, 46 minutes (not including 15 minute break), and an average of 14 mph. #
- 15:59 Not that anyone wants to know this, but I have feeling back in my penis. Thank you for caring. #
- 16:37 Now off to buy white cranberry juice and black dye. This time, in a car. 😉 #
- 16:57 WalMart has no white cranberry juice, what a waste of my time. Off to Target. #
- 17:09 Well, Target doesn’t have fabric dye, guess where I’m heading back to? #
- 17:43 Three stores, no fresh mint. #
- 19:04 Time for the last shower of 2008. (oh, and I found the mint at a different Kroger) #
- 19:37 Why am I all of a sudden craving WiiFit? #
- 20:01 Yeah. We’re going to be fucking late. Not just normal late, FUCKING late. #
- 20:36 Pants are DRY! #
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