- 07:48 Breakfast sausage smells like hash browns from across the house. #
- 08:59 I hope it doesn’t rain too much on the way home… most of our stuff is covered in the bed of the car, but not all of it. #
- 09:08 Thining about what I want to pick up wiht some of my Gift Certificates and cash. #
- 13:39 Stopped for gas and a baby break a couple of hours from home. #
- 15:43 We’re back home, safe and sound. #
- 18:10 AT&T has no flip phone with QWERTY keypad… that was a prerequisite to us even considering switching. #
- 18:57 There need to be more kick ass co-op xbox games. #
- 18:58 Developers, use Crackdown as your co-op model! #
- 18:59 Failed to get any kind of contact info for my nephew who is soon joining the Air Force. #
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