- 01:04 Staying up too late sucked in to Worlds Strongest Man 2007 competition. #
- 01:14 I need to remember to keep a six pack in my car on trips like this. #
- 01:19 Merry Magnus Ver Magnusson Marathon Day. #
- 11:23 Heather did great on my stocking and Ansel seelms to be excited about all his gifts! Good Christmas for all! #
- 16:47 Fluxx v4.0 is GREAT!!! I love my wife! #
- 17:00 Fluxx break. Kind of wish I had brought Bang! or Gloom, too. #
- 17:09 Computer’s dying, gotta give it some juice! #
- 19:12 Game of dominoes starting up… I’m so bored with dominoes. Sitting with bubbo while mommy plays. #
- 20:08 Ansel’s been a snarly bear tonight. His sleep is off, he’s over excited, and he’s been an overly picky eater. #
- 22:05 Ah, two beers made me sleepy, but it also made the evening more bearable. #
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