- 08:20 170 RSS Feed items to plow through… yeesh! #
- 10:03 Got the notification for discounted gym membership in my mailbox… I really should start going again in the spring. #
- 10:16 Two weeks ago I won a copy of Castle Crashers for Xbox 360, this week I won The Mummy 3 on DVD! I’m on a streak! #
- 13:20 tripping over my own feet. #
- 15:36 Been working my ass off today… also feeling bad I haven’t blogged in like two weeks. #
- 19:32 All I need isa healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nemoy. #
- 21:26 There’s something up with the way the dock works on my MBP that sucks and is totally fucked up. #
- 21:34 Rednecks and Vampires… still withholding judgement. #
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