- 13:48 sometimes I really think the screener is the whole survey and they just don’t want to pay me for my opinion. #
- 14:30 man, way too many people google “prison rape.” #
- 15:36 Woot, the director for WWZ is the same guy who directed 007QoS! #
- 15:55 I think its time to get out of here and either kill some zombies or radioactive ghouls… I haven’t decided which, yet. #
- 17:57 I’m cold and want a hamburger. #
- 23:56 Killed a ton of mutants and picked a very hard lock. Now I’m sleepy. #
- 08:58 According to Grader, I’m apparently the top twitterer in Denton. Man that’s some useless pride. #
- 08:59 I’m thinking next year instead of doing another P365, I’ll do a year of MSH (tinyurl.com/6yv9nh), who’s with me? #
- 09:07 The only reason I want to see Punisher: War Zone is because it has “the other guy” from Rome in it. #
- 09:37 Cool, by “importing” my blog into facebook, it now makes all my entries into Facebook Notes. #
- 09:41 Holy shit! It’s almost 10:00 already! #
- 09:46 Waiting on coffee… #
- 10:00 Google Reader has a new “share” option, so if you’re on gmail, and want to see what RSS feeds I think are interesting, set up your G.Reader. #
- 10:00 Google Twoosh! #
- 10:06 Main office coffee no as good as coffee I brew… need extra creamer to make it drinkable. #
- 10:18 Because I wasn’t using Google reader enough, already, I just moved all my RSS feeds off of LiveJournal on to Google. #
- 10:53 I was asked “How are you not insane” and my response was “Coffee, Beer, and Friends.” Thank you everyone for keeping me sane and happy. #
- 11:01 IMed to me: “No spooge on the snack table, dude.” #
- 11:04 Only 57 Midnight Oil songs left to rate… hee hee! #
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