LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 08:27 Surplus sale site STILL hasn’t updated! #
  • 08:32 I biked to my voting location, took 5 minutes to vote, then biked to Starbucks and got free coffee for my efforts. Yay! #
  • 09:12 Amazon’s new “Frustration Free Packaging” is an awesome program! Go Amazon! #
  • 09:29 I swore there was a way to tell Amazon what game systems you owned, or what your DVD preferences were, stuff like that. #
  • 10:06 I can’t explain how much I want a new GPS for my bike… if only so that it will hopefully connect to the satellites faster… #
  • 10:57 Hmmm, Fluxx version 4.0 is coming out… may have to pick that up as well as Monty Python Fluxx. #
  • 11:13 #LJ: Movie Night on Friday #
  • 11:22 Why is the Ticket to Ride board game so darned expensive! #
  • 13:03 I’m so downloading the Presidents of the United States of America Rock Band DLC tonight, Woo! #
  • 13:04 That microwave panini was soooo buttery… and soooo good! #
  • 13:45 I still can’t get over the fact that we’ve raised a one year old son who not only wears sunglasses, he tries to put them on himself. #
  • 14:02 I didn’t realize it this morning, but with the random choice of my underwear, I’m wearing Red, White, and Blue. Look at me being patriotic. #
  • 14:10 Some days I really miss Heather and Ansel. #
  • 14:17 I’ve realized I’m using the word Awesome more than normal, today. How Awesome is that? #
  • 14:38 So yeah, NetFlix streaming is getting better and better, but some of their titles do expire from time to time : #
  • 14:43 It seems like stores don’t want to put the cycle-centric GPS devices on super sale… just the car-centric ones. #
  • 14:53 I’m about to let my LiveJournal Membership lapse. Its the end of an era. #
  • 15:25 I’m so glad I paid for the lifetime membership to Hellgate: London… since that lifetime seems to be lasting to no later than Jan 2009. #
  • 16:04 I’m surprised he’s not following me. #
  • 16:33 So I admittedly have a hard time simply claiming something free at a store, I feel the need to buy something to balance out my good fortune. #
  • 16:33 TWOOSH! #
  • 16:37 Tired of all the hoopla and confident of the outcome, I’m pretty sure I’ll be playing Fallout tonight. #
  • 16:49 sometimes, even with all the photos, its tough to imagine Ansel all itty bitty. #
  • 18:40 I suspect I just found all of my missing music… and I think its all on the same hard drive, iTunes is just blind to the fact. #
  • 18:40 rapidly approaching 5,000 Twitter updates. #

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