- 00:48 Well, that’s enough Mass Effect for today, I should sleep before I’m too tired and useless at work tomorrow. #
- 10:05 I forgot my 2nd breakfast today, so I need to go buy something, but I have no one to walk with. #
- 10:26 Eggs were what I was craving, but due to a busted water main, I have stale sweet bread, instead. #
- 10:30 You know you’ve found a Twitter Spammer when everytime you refresh, they’re following 25 more people. #
- 10:40 I would by my brother an Xbox 360 in a heartbeat if I had the money to spare… that’s how much I miss hanging out with him. #
- 10:47 Finally! too bad it costs $80!!! tinyurl.com/4qqcxy #
- 14:40 I don’t know why, but the internet just hasn’t been updating enough for me lately. #
- 15:36 this is my first time to wear tube socks in months, and I’ll admit, its driving my ankle hairs CRAZY! #
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