- 23:58 Yeah, still not so impressed with The Force Unleashed… will probably send it back soon so I can focus on Mass Effect until Lego Batman. #
- 08:15 So I got The Force Unleashed last night, and I’m going to slap the leash back on it and send it back to GameFly. Next week, Lego Batman. #
- 08:58 Twoosh! #
- 09:45 New HTC phone announced, but I may still prefer the Diamond. tinyurl.com/5dy75z #
- 10:29 Watching “The White Room.” The KLF’s lost film. #
- 11:18 Oracle and R25, how I loathe thee. #
- 13:39 short tasks are taking FAR longer today than anticipated… I’m still leaving early, damnit. #
- 13:49 Drag. And. Drop. #
- 14:11 What is in the White Room? Mustaches! #
- 15:51 I’ma go get me a guitar. #
- 18:08 Guitar acquired, and it does, indeed ROCK! #
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