- 23:23 I feel like I’m cheating on Mass Effect with Rock Band 2… and soon, The Force Unleashed will arrive. I almost hope it sucks. #
- 10:10 so, after two days of Rock Band 2, I’ve not found a single change that was not an improvement and I’ve not found anything that disappoints. #
- 11:14 #Blog: Cyclist Manifesto… kclose3.com/blog/?p=68 #
- 12:11 I apparently drained my water bladder again… I hope its not a problem with the bladder, but just a problem with the user. #
- 12:13 oh man, hearing Jane’s Addiction makes me even more excited for the release of Nothing Shocking to Rock Band 2. #
- 12:18 today is the perfect day for bike riding and peanut butter sandwiches. #
- 15:45 The internet doesn’t update fast enough. I’ve had lots of install periods lately and nothing to do while I’m waiting. #
- 21:00 My Xbox has been exceedingly resistant to sign on to Xbox Live lately. #
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