LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 22:17 #POTD: POTD2 #193 #
  • 22:17 #POTD: POTD2 #194 #
  • 22:17 #POTD: POTD2 #195 #
  • 22:20 Dang, too exhausted to even play xbox. Just Two Guys, a Girl, and you know the rest. #
  • 22:21 These episodes are painfully out of order. #
  • 08:55 A little bit sweatier ride today, but still not a bad trip… Left me with Nathan Fillion hair. #
  • 09:42 Is it something that I’m doing that slowing down my internet? Is anyone else having internet speed issues (preferably people on campus). #
  • 10:35 My finger smells like pineapple. #
  • 10:45 Almost out of granola. #
  • 11:05 Apparently I’m a network destroyer. My internet at work and at home is crawling, and I’ve dissolved the network connection on a work system. #
  • 11:34 Seriously, what is my deal? Is it my network connections, is it my computers? What the hell. I know its not my expectations. #
  • 12:10 It may just be time to rebuild my work computer. #
  • 12:43 Tonight I will make my computer archive the user account… then – maybe – tomorrow I will start the rebuilding process. #
  • 13:07 Okay, I’m astounded as to how difficult this simple procedure has become. #
  • 16:19 I have backed up what I /think/ I will need to rebuild my computer. Tonight I will back up everything else. #
  • 16:24 Won’t someone please publish a release date for the Fable 2 XBLA games? #

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