- 23:44 Turns out I actually can play guitar and sing Creep on Rock Band, both on medium. Would have done better with a microphone stand, though. #
- 00:14 #POTD: POTD2 #173 tinyurl.com/5onzln #
- 11:15 My shirt says I’m out of coffee, and I agree. #
- 12:23 Here’s the video I was trying to share the other day, sans State of Liberty : tinyurl.com/6lqnlh #
- 13:03 From E3 – 10:49 am, Peter Molyneux is up from Lionhead to talk Fable II. “Fable II is finished!” #
- 14:01 Sounds like ALL Rock Band songs will be playable in Rock Band 2, not just the DLC. #
- 14:14 Why do I need a gamer avatar that looks like it has a weeble wobble for a head? #
- 14:52 So I’ve been playing Rock Band Guitar Solo Tour on Hard, and I’m better than I thought, but I still suck! #
- 18:14 Anyone else’s FIOS internet out? #
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