…in which I talk about time passing, distractions, and the current state of my life.
So this summer is slipping by without me even half noticing. I keep waiting for summer to “start” when I stop and realize that its already half over. Sure, we still have July and August left, but still, we’re a lot further along that I’m giving the season credit for. I keep thinking about things I need to get done and tell myself “I’ll take care of that when summer really hits.” I’m supposed to be making up the two incompletes on my transcript, and I do a lot of noodling about that, but again I think “I still have time, no rush…” but the truth of the matter is that time is quickly drifting away and before I know it, I’ll be “saving money” by not enrolling in class and instead making up the incompletes I failed to take care of over the summer.
I also look around the house and yard and think about the things I need to be doing there (which may, in fact, be a photo project I work on) and I feel like I can take care of them any time. Its just rough with the full time job and the baby to take care of all that other stuff. Heather and I both get up around 6:30 so that we can get ourselves and Ansel ready for the day, then we head off to work, via daycare, only to stay at work until 5:00. By 8:00 (on a good day), Ansel is finally asleep for a couple of hours and we could take care of things around the house, but by then, we’re both exhausted with work and baby wrangling, and neither one of us has any interest in doing anything more than maintaining a comfortable horizontal position and trying to not pass out so early that we feel elderly.
So we wait for the weekends to make up for all the crap we’re not doing every evening, but then we either try to spend time with friends or we just relax (or go shopping) and end up not doing the things we’ve been putting off anyway. And even when we do get into a mood to do some work around the house or yard, it seems like that’s a day where Ansel is super clingy so one or the other of us has to take care of him the whole time, which kind of breaks into the streak a little bit.
And then, of course, there’s the Xbox. The best, and most devastating purchase I’ve made in the past several years. It is such an attractive way to blow away a few hours. Damn you Xbox, I’ll love you straight to hell.