- 22:50 #POTD: POTD2 #150 tinyurl.com/5zkdh3 #
- 23:25 Falling asleep at the computer is usually a good sign that I should be asleep. #
- 07:31 Today is apparently Take Your Dog To Work Day. #
- 10:41 Ah, web compliance… #
- 11:54 Hey, ever hear of Browser Compatibility? #
- 15:05 I still got the cake, but I missed the orgy. #
- 15:28 I remember, earlier this month, I could see my desk. #
- 15:32 people don’t seem to leave me feedback on ebay anymore… assholes. #
- 15:39 do you ever just want to write on your face in permanent marker before going to see your inlaws at a fancy restaurant? #
- 15:43 I don’t understand why we have to use some secondary piece of software to do something that we can do with the university’s mail system. #
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