Ooooooh! Motherease diapers and prefolds. I love diaper laundry! I didn’t know you were cloth diapering.
yup, we started on prefolds and then got the motherease from a friend who couldn’t use them and now that he’s outgrowing the prefolds, we’re loving the motherease.
I also got Motherease diapers as hand-me-downs, but they never really fit Caitlin until she was a year old. I love prefolds and have 3 sizes of them. She can still wear the premium size (blue serging), I have the infant (green serging) and premie/newborn (usually white serging) packed away for baby #2. There is another size of prefold, toddler, but I have opted out of sizing up to those and picked cloth trainers instead.
… I could ramble about cloth diapers all day. Those things are addicting!
3 replies on “POTD2 #113”
Ooooooh! Motherease diapers and prefolds. I love diaper laundry! I didn’t know you were cloth diapering.
yup, we started on prefolds and then got the motherease from a friend who couldn’t use them and now that he’s outgrowing the prefolds, we’re loving the motherease.
I also got Motherease diapers as hand-me-downs, but they never really fit Caitlin until she was a year old. I love prefolds and have 3 sizes of them. She can still wear the premium size (blue serging), I have the infant (green serging) and premie/newborn (usually white serging) packed away for baby #2. There is another size of prefold, toddler, but I have opted out of sizing up to those and picked cloth trainers instead.
… I could ramble about cloth diapers all day. Those things are addicting!