- 22:10 #POTD: POTD2 #106 tinyurl.com/4ug3j8 #
- 08:12 No great events last night, boosted some cars and delivered some packages of unknown origin. Then went bowling with my cousin Roman. #
- 08:49 So far, So good. #
- 09:57 Disturbing, but somehow I’m curious to try it: manbabies.com #
- 10:16 New awesome RSS feed: www.howispentmystimulus.com #
- 10:28 Poor puppy, stuck out in the rain. #
- 12:14 I really would prefer people not sit on my desk when I’m out of the office. #
- 12:40 I guess if I want a better xbox live reputation, I should play online more. #
- 12:56 “College of Visual Arts and Design Calculator Support, this is Kacey, how can I help you?” #
- 16:05 #Blog: The Game of Life… kclose3.com/blog/?p=23 #
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