in which I talk about small victories.
Yesterday I got to sit in my hanging chair again, read a little bit, and take a nap.
Earlier this week we finished watching House M.D. on DVD and are now only slightly behind the currently airing episodes, which is actually a bit frustrating because that means now, not only can we not watch them at our leisure, but we have to wait until the latest season either reruns or comes out on DVD to continue.
Today, and actually this week for the most part, has been a series of small successes at work. I’ve knocked out a ton of small tasks, both from my “to do” list and more that have just cropped up. I feel pretty good about the progress my work is making. My work log for the past two days has been packed with things I’ve completed, so on paper I look really busy. I love knocking out tons of tasks and keeping active and helping people. Its why, despite my outward appearance some days, I really do appreciate and enjoy my job. I feel terrible when I don’t have the solution for someone, but I feel like I should have some kind of heroic fanfare when I actually save someone’s work by fixing their computer or even just helping them to get on the internet.
On top of all that, the questionnaire we had to fill out for this compensation study on campus, was not only approved by my supervisor, but improved. I had shorted myself on some of my tasks and responsibilities and he made me look better than I made myself look. So, long story short, work’s been good. Really, the only thing that could make it better, would be to work in an environment where everyone else had a bit of excitement for their jobs as well. The oppressing drudgery that other people wade in around me at their jobs makes it hard to keep an optimistic and positive attitude about my position here. I understand why they’re so negative about working here, and I know that it can get weighty at times, but overall, its still a good job and rewarding in the end. If nothing else, we have our perpetually chipper student assistant, Robin, who keeps the office bright and happy in lieu of the depression seething from the darker corners. Yay!
Originally posted at K. Close III
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