So, since starting my new blog over at, I’ve successfully posted at least one entry a week. I don’t know exactly how that has happened, but I’m happy with that kind of update schedule. More than once a week would be nice, but, like sex, once a week seems to be satisfactory. The question I’m running in to now is whether I want my blog entries to be more narrative and less stream of consciousness.
Usually when I sit down to post a blog, I have a theme in mind, but not necessarily a story to go with it. I just kind of start trodding out words that speak to that theme and hope for something cohesive. There’s no chance that I’m going to start writing drafts of my blog entries to get them perfect, but I do wonder if I should have more of a allegorical approach. Just something to ponder.
Another thing to ponder is why I felt it necessary to post these thoughts here, rather than on my actual blog page. Hmm.