in which I talk about iTunes, blogs, babies, and probably my eyes again, damn my eyes.
In researching why my iTunes decided to delete all of my music the other day (a bad script in case you were wondering), I found some more tricks that can be done with folders and playlists in iTunes. These are all really simple things, but they help me to better organize the music I’m listening to at work and thus makes me happier. For example, you can use a folder as the source for your Party Shuffle, which means I can put several playlists inside of one folder and use that as the source for all of my music for the day. Since I occasionally want to rate some songs, while also listening to stuff I already know is good, I can now move playlists in and out of the main folder and it will change what the Party Shuffle plays. Its silly, but I feel like I’ve learned a completely new secret to iTunes and have fallen in love with it. I feel like iTunes is all new, even though there’s nothing really new to it at all.
I’ve been looking at more and more stuff on WordPress. My brother even started a WordPress blog and I already like the look and feel of it over LiveJournal and he just used a built in style sheet. I have confirmed that there are plugins for WordPress that facilitate cross posting to LiveJournal automatically, so I will probably take advantage of them. I was considering MoveableType for a bit, which has even more LiveJournal plugins, including the ability to have LiveJournal comments appear on the MoveableType blog. I’ll have to investigate further to see if similar things can be found for WordPress. I really do enjoy blogging, and I’m hoping that changing things up a bit in the way I do things will refresh my interest in blogging more, kind of like how finding one new feature in iTunes made it feel new. I kind of want to get WordPress for Dummies” not only so I can really know how to use my WordPress blog, but also because I think it has a little bit of “Blogging for Dummies” in it, which may also inspire me to be a better blogger.
Yesterday was Valentines day and Steve and Jenn had their little baby. Pretty cute timing, even if there was a bit of scheduling involved. She looks pretty cute in the photos I’ve seen so far. As for our baby, when we went to pick up Ansel from daycare, our daycare provider, Cathy, had a Valentine card for us “made” by Ansel. It had photocopies of his hands pasted inside, holding a heart on a string. It was so cute, and makes me realize that we really lucked out with our daycare. She’s super nice, really seems to care about the babies, and its just nice to have one person to put all your trust in instead of a whole institution. She’s got four babies now, two toddlers and two infants and she seems to juggle them all very well.
Ansel is getting too cute now, too. He still hasn’t really started talking yet, but his babbling is getting more and more intentional. He still doesn’t want to sleep flat on his back, but I think if we got him a hammock, he’d be all about that. He loves to sleep in his papasan swing, even if the batteries are completely dead. He just likes to be cradled a bit. We still have two weeks to try to at least shift him into the pack-n-play before our trip to Memphis. I’d love to not take the swing with us on the trip. We could manage it, but I’d much rather not.
Exciting news. Next week, I think Heather is going to let me try to feed him some semi-solid food. I’ve been really excited to try this, even though I know the first few tries are going to be a miserable failure. I just want to be a little bit more involved in his life other than being the funny guy and the diaper changer. Ever since we went back to work full time, I think I’ve fed him all of twice because we can’t spare the bottled milk. We need all the milk we can get for daycare so if he’s not at daycare, he only feeds from Heather. I’m looking forward to being a part time food provider again. I don’t mind being the funny guy, but I want to help him grow, too.
My eyes are still bugging me and I should probably call Eyemasters and check on the status of my lens. I’m suspicious that they don’t ever call me when the lens comes in so I should probably check on it. I’ll probably go ahead and do that right now, even.
addendum (3:17pm) – Looks like my lens will be in on the 20th. Bleh.
4 replies on “I’ll Be the First To Admit that I’m Easilly Amused…”
Hey I had a thought about Ansel and the sleeping thing. My niece hates sleeping on her back too. I’m not sure if Ansel can roll over yet, but once Jayda could roll & hold her head up, Shantelle caved in and let her sleep on her stomach. It made being able to lay her down once she was alseep actually possible. I know the books/doctors say to put them on their backs, but it’s working for her. Anyway, not trying to tell you what to do, just thought I’d throw it out there. Can’t wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!
Ansel HATES being on his tummy, it makes him even madder than being on his back. Especially when he’s tired because he hates having his face on the bed, and when he’s too tired to hold his head up, he just keeps slamming his head against the mattress crying his eyes out.
Believe me, though, at this point we’re less concerned with SIDS (as he’s past the prime vulnerability age) and more concerned with simply getting enough sleep.
Damn! So much for that idea.
yeah, he seems to be happiest sleeping in a cradled position, like his papasan swing… even when its not moving. we need a craftmatic adjustable crib.