LiveJournal Archives

First Week of Classes

Well, I’m enrolled in classes again this semester (or rather, class). Thursday will be the first class I’ve attended since Ansel was born, but since he’s in Day Care, it shouldn’t be an issue at all. What I’m more concerned about is having been away from my photo projects for so long. I hope I can pick back up and make some progress. I have some ideas on what I want to do with them, I just don’t know if I’m ready to dedicate that kind of time again. I already feel spread really thin as it is. I was always just a bit lazy when it came to photo, and now I’ve got even less time to dedicate to it, so who knows how stressed I’m going to be. At least this is the “easier” semester, with less reading and no writing projects. Next semester will be a killer, but I’ll have a summer to ease back in. Speaking of photo, I need to get these framed prints out of my office before they get trashed. They’re just stacked in a corner because I’ve not had a chance to take them to my studio.

This weekend was pretty good, Movie Night, role playing, board games, and then HeroScape. Woo. Everyone seemed to enjoy Shoot ‘Em Up, though I think heather felt it was a bit over the top for her tastes. Then I chose to go to Talon for D&D instead of the baby sprinkle (and while I was going to write a whole entry on chosing events over people, that’s what it came down to… I needed to role play), but it turned out we didn’t even play D&D. Laura finally convinced Derek that we should play the Hero game (aka, the Denton game, aka Dragon Circle). What she didn’t realize is how involved Derek and I could get in a simple thing like a prologue. My character was still not officially in the Denton game, finishing up my prologue that started in Indiana. Since my prologue was supposed to end right where the last Dragon Circle game ended, we pretty much needed to finish my prologue before everyone else could get back into the game. Well, without intending to, Derek and I pretty much roleplayed ourselves right up to 7:00. We did, however, finish right where the last official Dragon Circle game ended, and we all decided that in two weeks, instead of playing P’Tolus, we’d play Dragon Circle instead. I’ll miss kicking ass (or attempting to do so) in P’Tolus, but I’m really looking forward to a modern game, and a RP heavy game.

Game night was Bang! again. I’m pretty sure everyone else will get sick of that game well before I do. Thats pretty common though. I think Derek and I are alike in that aspect (well, that and many others). I always want to continue playing things long after everyone else kind of gets bored with them. What can I say, when I find a game I really enjoy, I jump in with both feet and then I play the game into the dirt.

Speaking of games I am kind of over obsessed about, Steve came over Sunday and we played some HeroScape. I’ve been missing that game a lot, lately. We used to play at Talon a lot and that just kind of fell off when Ansel was born. Stephanie and Jason were supposed to come over as well, but decided it was more tempting to just chill at the house. I know that feeling and totally respect them for it. At any rate, whether we were going to have two people or four, I needed to make a new map since the last one I built was for three. I built a nice sized map, about four times as long as it was wide with a nice terrain along the way. Steve beat my ass three games in a row. Though, in my defense, the second was a fluke and the third, I made a serious strategic mistake that we both accepted as the turning point in the battle.

Ah well, I’ve had this post sitting incomplete for nearly five hours, so I guess I’ll wrap it up and hit submit. Incidentally, anyone using Flock? I love Firefox so I’m loathe to change browsers, but I’m intrigued by a Web 2.0 optimized browser.

7 replies on “First Week of Classes”

I fully expect when Jason and I are married and move in right down the street that I will lose my husband to your HeroScape temptations.

It is a cool game. I can’t imagine it getting old any time soon. Especially if they get more expansion packs!

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