LiveJournal Archives

First Week and First Book

Book #1

Okay, officially I started my first book of 2008 last year, but I finished it, so it counts in my mind. I’m counting books finished, because if I counted books started, I could start a whole bunch of books and just get bored with them. That’s not what I want to know, I want to know how many I can finish. Anyway…

I finished Twilight Watch last night, finally. I was almost done with it when I was on the plane back from Virginia, but I just haven’t found time to get back to it since we landed. It was by and far the best of the Night Watch series so far, and it makes me look forward to the final chapter. All of the books in the series are broken up into three stories each, but the other two books in the series – Night Watch and Day Watch – each had two good stories and one kind of lame story. Twilight Watch had three great stories, all three were greatly entertaining and compelling. Each story left me wanting more, and each subsequent story fulfilled my needs. The development of the Others and their philosophies were really interesting and I loved how they viewed themselves. Also, finally defining the difference between Others and humans was really cool and I totally didn’t see it coming. All in all, I’m excited for Last Watch, but its going to be a while before it hits the shelves.

Next up: World War Z

The first day that the faculty are back is a chaotic day of requests and unproductivity. All the faculty want things done, but the day is full of useless meetings that you really can’t get anything done. I’ve got a long list of computer upgrades to perform, as well as other new issues that have just come up. All I can really think of, however, is how stressed my wife is getting. Today is always really hard on her because she gets completely swamped with stuff that needs to be done “ASAP” and everything is “just as important” as everything else. I just keep checking on her throughout the day and her eyebrows become consistently more furrowed.

Our little boy learned a new trick this weekend. He learned to sit in his ExerSaucer and make a little rolling rattle thing spin around all on his own. We assembled the saucer Sunday morning and then kind of left it alone until he seemed to be in a happy, curious mood. I put him in it and he’s still a bit small. He can’t touch his toes to the floor, and he has to lean heavilly on the sides like a drunk at a bar. Still, once he gets balanced, he can reach out and put his hand on the spinning monkey barrel and get it to roll around and tumble those bananas. He’s getting so smart, its awesome just to watch him grow up. I know that someday I’ll be sad about how fast he grew up, but right now its exciting to watch him develop his skills and become increasingly interested in the world around him. If you haven’t seen the photo of him playing in his saucer, it should be just below this entry on my journal, and I hope to have more posted later… as soon as I figure out why my Flickr Uploader isn’t working.

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