okay, its hard, but Play With Me is WAY fun.
I just finished my first run through Guitar Hero Encore: Rockin’ the 80s and it was really fun. I like REALLY fun. Thats not to say that the first two full games weren’t fun, but this one was extra fun. I think its because I knew more of the songs, but also, as a review I read suspected, the songs may be just a touch easier. I scored almost all fives across the board on the first try and even scored a perfect 100% on one song (almost on two, damn it).
I know that I’ve gotten better at the format through all my play on GH1 and GH2 but I still think this one is overall easier, but that doesn’t ruin my experience at all, it just makes me feel like I’m rocking that much harder. I suspect, unless they ramp up the difficulty a lot, this game may help me learn to play at the Hard and Expert levels. Then I can take my newly acquired five button play back to the older games and see if it works out for me.
Anyway, just wanted to touch in after two days of play and let everyone know how much it rocks. Also, I apologize in advance for my second Guitar Hero photo of the day in a row. Its kind of been my focus the past two days. Sad, really, but true.