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Ya, I’m from Connecticut

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


(“Midland” is not necessarily the same thing as “Midwest”) The default, lowest-common-denominator American accent that newscasters try to imitate. Since it’s a neutral accent, just because you have a Midland accent doesn’t mean you’re from the Midland.

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6 replies on “Ya, I’m from Connecticut”

being from ct too, i only got slightly closer in my region than you:

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

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stupid quiz. i totally talk like i’m from the northeast.

yeah, but I’ve always heard that Connecticut people have less of an accent than most of New England, due to all the yuppies.

maybe, but I’ve always heard that supposedly CT has it’s own accent separate from other NE states. Either way, I definitely did not come from yuppieville. Oh well. At least the test didnt tell us we were southern or western. Then it would have been really off base.

I think my lack of accent stems more from my parents, who both lived all over the country (and the world) than anything else.

Strangely enough, I’ve lived in north TX all my life and I got the “midland” accent as well.

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


(“Midland” is not necessarily the same thing as “Midwest”) The default, lowest-common-denominator American accent that newscasters try to imitate. Since it’s a neutral accent, just because you have a Midland accent doesn’t mean you’re from the Midland.

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