I worked on Wednesday of Spring Break, I was sick on Thursday, I was fine Friday. Today, after being back at work, I feel sick again. I’m starting to wonder if there’s something in this building that’s making me sick.
That would certainly be a mixed blessing.
6 replies on “”
I can see how being in this building would make you sick. You’ve been out of the toxic environment for a few days, you come back and you’re no longer used to being constantly poisoned by the place. Makes perfect sense.
That or the place reminds you too much of some of the folks in it and I know how much you just LOVE all of them.
The art building ALWAYS makes me sick… *cough*
Its possible…
I used to get headaches like clockwork every Mon when I was in 9th grade at good ol’ Denton High (9th grade center back then). I got to thinking it was something they used to clean over the weekends, like floor polish/wax or something. I’m pretty sure the custodial staff did some major cleaning stuff over the break. So its possible.
Sick of work, sick at work, sick from work? Don’t know how you would describe it on a leave form. 😉
ps – Homeworld music
don’t you just love it? Such a great soundtrack that was for a really nifty game. Hmm, may just have to load that up again, been a while.
Ramming frigates from Cataclysm are still my favorite ship evar!
Re: ps – Homeworld music
never played cataclysm… just the main game and I don’t think I ever finished it… I usually get bored/frustrated with RTS games.
Hey, you work for the state. You have 2 minutes every 2-12 hours. You should play Travian with us.
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I think work can make a person sick just by being work.
Or at least it makes me sick.