LiveJournal Archives

POTD #27

Official Crappy Photo Day
I just didn’t get any good photos today, so this is the crowning achievement of crap. Enjoy.
Official Crappy Photo Day

11 replies on “POTD #27”

Yeah but that’s like a lady saying – “Man, this dress makes me look fat.”

And then you’re like “Fat? That’s an understatement!”

hehe just teasing.

As suggested earlier, I think I would’ve gone with a black and white photo of those. There’s alot of orange in that pic.


This is not a crap picture. That chair on the left happens to be the gaming chair of choice for myself, and it is more than sufficient. The arms are of adequate height in proportion to the height from the floor and thus, it is deemed ‘excellent’ in my sight.

Aside from the personal connection, I think its a good photo anyway. Sorry, I’m not up on any kind of real knowledge based opinion on the quality of photos, but I do like it. I think there is a nice blend of the color palette when you look at the color of the wood floor, the wood on the chairs and the slight “offness” of the color coming off of the walls. The composition of the three chairs themselves is interesting to me because they’re not all the same. There are slight differences between each one. If you want to go deeper than the picture, what are the chairs doing? Nothing themselves, but where are they? Why are they there? Why are they in a line? If you didn’t know where they were, are they in a dining hall, a dance hall, a shaker hall? The possibilities of what the chairs could be there for are interesting enough to my mind.

I like photos and pictures that give my imagination a spark as to whats happening at that instance in time and what happened before it or could happen in the future. That may not be enough to make the photo critically a success, but then again, I’m not one to base my subjective like or dislike of something primarily on what critics say.

Part of this is encouragement to you too Peoloquin, cause I’ve been following your pictures daily and even if I do recognize where, what, or who is in them, I can honestly say that even without that knowledge I would find them interesting.

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