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Okay, I got my Onyxia raid deck in, I’ve read all the rules and looked at all the cards, now I really want to run a raid game. The rules say all heroes have to be the same Faction, but I say to hell with you Krom, I am Onyxia, I will take on whatever you have to offer!

DefaultAll Is Forgiven

9 replies on “Onyxia”

Card set list?

Where is there a list of all the cards? I’ve bought a case with Christmas money (half to pray for an in-game loot pet, half to build and play a good deck) and was wondering where a list of all the cards are (to see if I have any that are really rare).

Any cards you are looking for?

Re: Card set list?

Awesome! I just was curious to see which are rare (I guessed the purple!) and what the ones I don’t have look like and my Google-Fu was lacking.

/bows to the Sensei

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