LiveJournal Archives

Day of the Undead Drive II: “Drives Alive!”

I have found a system, slow and arduous as it may be, to move files off of the damaged portable drive so that I might recover my third critique from last semester before I go back to the manufacture and insist that they take this portable device and shove it right up their scuzzy port.

I’ve also moved all of my mp3s to a local drive and have archived most of the other data on my less portable external hard drive in anticipation of a potential crash. The devastating result of that drive’s failure yesterday is that my 16,000+ tracks in iTunes no longer have ratings, I no longer have playlists, and nothing is sorted in any intelligible fashion. I still have all the music but it is in a chaotic mass just waiting to be sorted out over the next 44 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes and 19 seconds. Give or take 2 years.

Lynn Anderson Rose Garden

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