So I came up to do some photocopying and set up some more stuff in my studio. The more I set up, the more I realize I have a lot more to do to get it all ready. I’ve got a bulletin board thats half painted with black primer, but I ran out of black primer before I could finish.
I’ve got this giant piece of MDF that I’m debating not needing. I was going to turn it into a display board, but I have a new idea involving magnets. I’ve got to get some more bookcases or shelves in here, though, I’ve got stuff on every horrizonal surface in the whole damn place and still no where to put things. I’m still trying to get used to the desk, I still haven’t decided if it feels like its the right hight and build for me. I may just have to sit at it a lot more. I did get my water filter installed on the sink so now I can get some bottles and keep cold water in my fridge, but that’s kind of a minor thing, it just meant I didn’t have to pay for a new filtered pitcher. The faucet filter fit perfectly, I didn’t even ned any of the adapters I brougth with me.
I need to get a bank of lights to go up where the display board is going to be built (if I get all the ideas worked out for it) and I’d love to get some better lamps. Beau, superhero that he is, left me a bunch of shit thats making the studio much more useable, but me and my particular tastes demand more. I want this place to be MINE! but that may take some time. I guess I’ve really only been in here a week so I have time to make that happen (espeically if I’m going to be in here for something like 4 years).
Anyway, I should be reading but I’m just so happy that my comptuter is set up and my studio is coming together that I can’t really focus on reading right now. I need to feel more accustomed in here before I can really start to feel productive. I’d love to paint the walls a bit, but I so don’t see that happening. Instead I’m thinking of “tapestries.” Okay, more like sheets strung up to give the room a different shade and to absorb sound (I can definitely tell I’m in a room that is almost entirely concrete.
I guess I should see if I can crank out a chapter before I have to go get tarkas for Steve’s game. I’m trying to think of what I want for dinner on the way. I’m kind of debating between Sonic and Taco Bueno, both of which never really appeal to me, but for some reason, today, they do.
Oh well, I’ve said enough to feel justified in posting. Enjoy your three day weekends, you bastards. I’ll be working on Monday and cursing you all!