The Evil Inside

Thursday, August 10th, 2006 | LiveJournal Archives

So I’ve been playing Fable again lately… it seemed more simple and had a slower pace than WoW. Plus, I can play in the living room, on the floor, with the dogs, in comfort.

I had played it straight through when I first got it, kind of playing the anti-hero role, a kind of Han Solo/Clint Eastwood, do as you see fit Chaotic Good. There were times that I had horns and other times where my eye glowed with the brilliant light of the gods above (the good ones at least), but in the end, I pretty much just walked the line of cool.

As soon as I finished the game, I came up with some other concepts I wanted to try out. Really, it was the best RPG I’d ever played on a console… you could almost actually roleplay in it. At any rate, I decided I wanted an uber heroic, avatar of a mage, and a dirtier than the devil, criminal archer/thief. I had created the characters, but then had trouble following up after having just finished the game, so I set them aside until just last month.

Since then, I’ve deleted both of them because I was so out of touch with them (and I couldn’t remember which was which) I started them over again, as well as an iron pumping, blade swinging anti-hero (again). But I’ve been playing all three around and around. They all stay around the same point in the plot, but they are totally different. Last night I was in the mood for evil. I decided I’d go to my childhood hometown in the middle of the night, break into homes, and kill the residents. I discovered that if you kill them before they can scream for the guards, you go virtually unnoticed. You magically get a fine of 2000g, but the guards don’t hunt you down. They just wait until you walk past them. So I’m in the progress of taking over the city. Apparently, if I could figure out which girl is the mayor’s daughter and marry her, I’ll get a sizable inheritance when I finally kill him. I WILL own Oakenvale.

Anyway, I got a desk full of laptops that all need service. I’ll try and check back in more often.

Oh, and my mango sorbet may be evolving, cross your fingers and hope for brilliance!

Duran DuranHungry like the wolf

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August 2006