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Everyone else is saying it:

Thank God its Friday (*except I’m agnostic, so God has nothing to do with it*)

Anyway, its finally Friday. We officially have two weeks left of the semester but everything I have is due next week. That includes the 5 page paper I finally got my informal interview for, and the 8 page research paper that I can’t honestly say I’ve researched nearly enough for.

Something happened over Spring Break and I lost all academic motivation. Now I’m really concerned that its going to be very bad for me to have done so. I know I’m a good writer and can probably pull some miraculously passable stuff out at the last minute, but I don’t feel good about it. I don’t want to slip back into my old Undergrad ways of doing the least work necessary. I started out the semester so strong, but I’m such a lazy bastard that everything for the second half of the semester has been procrastinated down to the last few days. I’ve even had this stressful feeling for a couple weeks now and even that hasn’t motivated me to work.

I know I will finish the semester, but I’m worried about how poorly I will do as a result of my laziness. I’m going to bust my ass this weekend and see what I can do in a miraculous sprint for the finish. Wish me luck and if you see me not in my house working on papers, kick my ass and tell me to get back to work (this of course is with the exception of the D&D game Saturday night. I need that to keep from going insane).

Deliver Us From EvilOrgan Grinder

3 replies on “”

It happens to everyone. Remember the day I had an 8 page paper due in 3 days on the Norse gods, and I hadn’t even started it? I think you said something to me like, “Oh yeah, I could crank that out in a few hours.” I have faith in you! It could be worse…you could have chosen a job in the airline industry 🙂

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