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I’ve become hopelessly addicted to

I now have 4 characters on there and some days it still doesn’t feel like enough. At least I have access to enough computers that their TCP/IP restricting doesn’t really slow me down.

Anyway, let me know if you’re playing, too. I could totally use a personal revivicator on hand.

Metallica(Anesthesia) – Pulling TeethKill ’em All

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Re: *sigh*

I have four characters I try to keep human, but stoopid zombies keep eating their brains.

stoopid zombies, grargh.

yeah, that’s pretty similar… my scouts pretty much walk around and try to kill stuff, my civilian just tries to find open malls and heal people, and my lab tech tries to gather dna samples.

Were you in the stairwell of the artbuilding talking to an older man bout 9:30 this morning? Sometimes I think I see you but I never say anything cause I’m not sure and shy.

Haha. Reminds me of 28 Days Later. I saw the screenshot that said “someone wrote the end is extremely nigh on a wall” and that is SO from/a reference to 28 Days Later. /end dorkiness.

yes, I was. and feel free to say Hi to me in an awkwardly shy manner, I’m sure to say Hi back in an equally shy reply.


yeah, the graffiti is all written by players, you can find cans of spraypaint and tag pretty much any wall in the game. So yeah, a lot of the graffiti is familiar.

I’ll be bringing Gavin Vance there… but he’ll just be showing up as a Zombie… it’ll take a couple days to get there though.

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