I like to misspell wierd. I know I misspell it, I almost do it on purpose. I can’t say why, but I never, ever bother to go back and fix it.
for some reason, it just seems right when its misspelled.
Steve says “suck it!”
The Crystal Method – The Doors-The Crystal Method v – Community service 2
7 replies on “welcome to boredom”
I can’t spell Defineatly right. I always say Defiantly. I also get confused on wednesday/februrary. etc. I have to sound those words out to spell them right.
and yet you still mispelled Definately.
bah. See what I mean? that word is evil to me. yes, I am a horrible sham of a journalist. I constatly have to double check my spelling 🙁
I’m guessing you both mean “definitely” — right?
Marilyn Manson says suck it now, bitch! As Twiggy so willingly did… ewwwww.
the point is that you know what we mean! 🙂
There are some words I have constant problems with though I’m so deep in grading mode right now that I cannot remember them.
And tell Steve I said – HOW RUDE!