Well, apparently everyone in the office but me decided to bolt on work today. Don’t know about our student tech yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the only one here all day.
Unfortunately, today hasn’t been a normal day either, I’ve been running all over campus fixing computers, not just the building but all of campus. We’ve got people down everywhere. Granted, not quite half of the issues have been ones I would be dealing with anyway (okay, closer to 1/3) but to add to those the problems I wouldn’t normally have to deal with, and being thrust into troubleshooting issues I’m no longer familiar with… its been a tough day. The slacker in me wants to go home for lunch, drink a beer, come back after work and not answer the phone, but the somewhat loyal and hard working part of me wants to skip lunch, have Heather bring me a sandwich and some Fritos, and just keep on kicking all the ass I’m already kicking.
Anyway, Steve’s game was Saturday again, and while we didn’t get a lot done (we were totally not focusing on the task at hand), I still really enjoy it. Had a good time, Tarkas is joining the game, which could make it go any number of directions, and we’re starting to get to the point where we kick some serious ass. Each gaming session makes me want to game more than I already do. I don’t game enough and I miss it.
Friday’s movie night was fairly successful. Goonies is as good as always and Craig and Laura showed up, albeit a little late. We began to suspect that the only person to show up would be starburstlvr, but thanks to me being distracted by Burnout Revenge, we hadn’t started watching anything when Craig and Laura did show up. I was pretty happy with the turnout and enjoyed the movie once again.
My final crit for this first semester is Thursday and I’m pretty displeased with the images I shot. I’m going to try to salvage them by doing something different with them. I’m going to try organizing them in such a way that they make one another more interesting as a result. Its an experiment. What else am I going to do? I’m even thinking about being extra lazy and just printing them at 8.5×11 so I can print them all at home. I still haven’t decided, We’ll see how many people show up to work tomorrow. I’m kind of thinking 8.5″ squares will be good enough… I don’t really need to do 13″ squares., right? Not for an early, experimental critique.
Oh well, back to making my brother’s alternate christmas gifts.
One reply on “blargh”
Yeah sorry about that. Your being stuck there alone and all. After all the bitching you both did Friday and since my fever was back I didn’t want to risk spreading the love.
I haven’t felt up to shooting anything. Though I’m trying to in my fevered state as best I can today. I’m just not happy with the results. But I agree on the whole 8.5 x 11 thing. I had decided last week to start doing that myself. I realized that I’m wasting an awful lot of money and paper on things that will likely be trashed. I’m going to hold off on large printing for a while and see how it does. Then I can blow up the ones that seem to do well.