Banditos stole this away from kitty_boo and left it in my garage:
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don’t speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want – good or bad – BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.
When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON’T ACTUALLY remember about you!
10 replies on “This Meme is hillarious!”
I remember that one time you and I went geocaching in Montana. Boy was it cold! I suppose that it was our own foolishness to go there in January, but since you were in Billings taking that karate class and I was there for work, I figured, what the hell? Why not go on an adventure. I still can’t believe that moose didn’t chase you, after what you did to it! I mean, who keeps a mini-pellet gun in his gym bag!
Hey, if I’m going to Billings, for any reason, I always put a pellet gun in my gym bag. I mean, seriously, its in the tour guidebook.
Umm, we totally did it and it was hawt. What “it” refers to is entirely up to your imagination. HAH.
Memories… I think my favorite memory of us is that time we went sailing off the coast of maine. For whatever reason you insisted we go sailing at 5am. Boy was that a dumb idea… I mean after we finally got off port, which took forever beacuse we had no breeze and the boat we picked out had no motor. Then we kept bumping into lobster boats, and then that one capt who started cursing at us saying we better have insurance.
That was fun. Except the part where I fell into the water because you scared me with your boogyman mask, and that lobster grabbed my toe. That sucked.
I was totally thinking beach volleyball
Remember last spring when we totally shot up way too much smack and took way too much x and decided we were going to go rescue the people from “Lost”? But when we got Austraila we totally forgot why we were there and decided to try to ride kangaroos not knowing that was against the sacred laws of the local Aborginal tribe, who arrested us. To make our escape you dressed up as sexy Aborginal lady and we lap danced our way back to the airport but we had no money so we ended up giving rich travelers b.j.s and h.j.s for quarters until we had enough to buy tix back to DFW.
My hand is still sore from that.
yeah, but it was classic. What a great day!
remember when
we were arguing about who was more of a loser and I won cause I asked you if anyone ever fell asleep on you and you said yes, but then I asked if you had ever fallen asleep on yourself and of course you said no, which did happen to me once. so there.