Anyone out there know if you can have two copies of iTunes (on different computers of course) pulling all their tracks from the same pile of MP3s (say on a networked drive) without messing up eachother’s playlists or ratings?
The London Symphony Orchestra – May This New Century Be Yours – The League of Extraodrinary Gentlemen
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Mac or PC? Because I believe you can set up, for example, PC A with all the tunes availible, with PC b sharing them, but not able to edit from PC A. But I also haven’t tried it. I can try and share itunes off my laptop tonight when I get home to experiment. But if you are talking Macs, itunes always seems to do what it’s supposed to much more cleanly there 🙂
well, I’m playing with it now… and with the exception of adding new tracks to the Main Collection (housed on the network) things seem to be okay. There’s no way to tell iTunes to “resync” to the collection, you would pretty much just have to tell it to re-add everything which can get really damn annoying.
I’m thinking its possible, in a slightly flawed manner that actually makes it not really worth it. I’ll just let the wife copy whatever tracks she wants.