Archive for October, 2005

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

The latest development in the Digital Photo Storage debate is this:

If I shoot in RAW+JPG format (which saves two files, a 10mb RAW and a 3mb JPEG) I can pretty much ignore the fact that most of the devices I’m looking at can’t view RAW files. Just means my memory card can only hold 81 images instead of 111. Every time I look at something, I have a different reaction.

Of course, devices that can show the RAW format, can show the EXIF data as well, and that could actually be useful in the field.

Grr – Argh.

Deliver Us From EvilShallowHunter: The Reckoning

I kind of knew this already

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

Your answers suggest you are a Strategist

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

So here’s an interesting predicament… you can rate music in iTunes and you can rate music in Windows Media Player.

They don’t both read the same rating. WTF?


Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

“With its massive storage capacity of at least 20 Gb, the unit has more than enough space to take your entire MP3 collection with you on the road and still leave room for your holiday pictures.”


Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Ah, the mugger’s hoodie.

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

I love it when two songs play back to back at random and they totally go together… this song started with almost the same note, pitch and intonation as the song before it ended on… if you can, try it out… they sound good together.

I may have done this one before

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

Copied and Pasted from Frankenroc:

In the comments for this entry, leave a comment containing the contents of your clipboard (i.e., hit CTRL-V). Feel free to redact anything personal (names, phone numbers, etc.), but leave the rest intact. Then do the same on your journal, and see what you get.

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Okay, so I’m getting to where I can’t even remember what’s good and bad about each of these devices for more than a few minutes so this is going to be a huge entry all about the pros and cons of each device I look at. It will probably interest no one, but I figure I’m going days and days of research, someone, somewhere might appreciate the effort.

Herein are the stats that are making me go blind

Monday, October 10th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Cut me some slack, internet!

I’m trying to find the perfect replacement for my Creative Nomad. I need it to be 60-100gb, play music and pull images off of a Camera regardless of format (I’m shooting all Canon RAW v.2 currently). I don’t care if it can view them on screen, I just need to be able to dump them from my memory card when I fill it up. My mp3’s take up 40-50gb of space, and I can easilly shoot 3gb worth of photos in a day. I also intend to keep the photos on there (at least a semester’s worth at at time which could ammount to 1000+ photos at 5mb a piece) and I need the device to connect to a PC as an external/portable hard drive, not some goofy proprietary device. I also need it to be less that $450.

If you know of such a device, please let me know. If you own such a device, please let me know and let me play with it and see if I like it.

So far I’ve looked at the Archos AV400 series devices (which retail for $700, but I’ve been trolling eBay); the Archos AV300 series; the Epson P-2000; the RCA Lyra 2780; the iRiver H300; the X’S-Drive Super VP6210; and so many more, I think my eyes are bleeding. If you have any experience with anything that comes close to fitting my needs, please drop a comment or email. I’m going crazy here.

Rock (Hard), Rock (Alternative), Rock (Industrial)

Monday, October 10th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

Fuck Genres, we need TAGS.

So I’m trying to classify all my music in iTunes and I’ve decided that Genres are old news and really we need Tags, they’re so much more adaptable and easy to adapt to different tunes, styles, multi genre artists, etc. So many things are “Rock” but they totally don’t go together in the same Genre. Apple needs to get their act together.

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October 2005