Cut me some slack, internet!
I’m trying to find the perfect replacement for my Creative Nomad. I need it to be 60-100gb, play music and pull images off of a Camera regardless of format (I’m shooting all Canon RAW v.2 currently). I don’t care if it can view them on screen, I just need to be able to dump them from my memory card when I fill it up. My mp3’s take up 40-50gb of space, and I can easilly shoot 3gb worth of photos in a day. I also intend to keep the photos on there (at least a semester’s worth at at time which could ammount to 1000+ photos at 5mb a piece) and I need the device to connect to a PC as an external/portable hard drive, not some goofy proprietary device. I also need it to be less that $450.
If you know of such a device, please let me know. If you own such a device, please let me know and let me play with it and see if I like it.
So far I’ve looked at the Archos AV400 series devices (which retail for $700, but I’ve been trolling eBay); the Archos AV300 series; the Epson P-2000; the RCA Lyra 2780; the iRiver H300; the X’S-Drive Super VP6210; and so many more, I think my eyes are bleeding. If you have any experience with anything that comes close to fitting my needs, please drop a comment or email. I’m going crazy here.