LiveJournal Archives

My brain is getting flatter

I guess I’ve been posted more quizzes and funny pictures lately than actual content. Its probably because I’ve been concentrating on school lately and there’s not that much to tell on that front.

I’ve been working toward a certain concept, trying to tackle it from different angles and my most recent critique was a statement to the effect that I make pretty pictures, but they don’t speak out – they don’t stand out. So now I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make these photos “mine” without sacrificing the statement or copying someone else in the process. I’ve been toying with a different idea to bide my time until the answer becomes clear. I guess its still early enough for me to be very very lost, but I just don’t know where I’m going.

I don’t want to dump an idea just because I can’t figure out how to photograph it, but its really tough to make work if I’m not quite sure where to go or what to do at the same time. Its just starting to wear on my brain, I feel tired and listless all the time because I’m constantly thinking about it.

And of course, i have a lot of support, people are telling me great things about my images, and offering up ideas, but until it comes out of my head, its not really mine. Ya know? Not that I don’t appreciate the advise, its just more fuel for the thought process.

CakeTougher Than It IsPressure Thief

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