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Posted by: peloquin3 on Buzznet

I really should be asking my mother…
…but what kind of plant/flower is this?

12 replies on “”

Re: I posted this on buzznet too…

just seemed too big to be one…

especially since we haven’t killed it yet. I think its similar, maybe even related, but I don’t think its actually a hibiscus

Re: what kind of plant?

I’m not sure, the central spear is poofy at the base and comes to a point, whereas on a hibiscus, its clean throughout and then has a poofy end.

Re: I posted this on buzznet too…

not when heather is around… her aura kills plants. Have you seen our vegitable garden lately? it’s like death on a stick.

We have tons of trumpet vine, and its definitely not Morning Glory.

It may actually be hibiscus, Its just got all the wrong central stem structure.

Re: what kind of plant?

Actually the central peice comes in different sizes and widths…. just depends on the kind, there are like 300 types of hibiscus. The one in my moms yard has the fat one like that (although the actual flower is red)

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